
Park Place Council No. 373

Royal and Select Masters


Article I

Name of Council


This Council shall be styled “Park Place Council No. 373, Royal and Select Masters,” under the jurisdiction of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas.


This Council subscribes to and shall be governed by the Constitution, Laws, Resolutions and Edicts of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas, and the By-Laws as hereinafter set forth.


Article II

Assemblies of the Council


Section 1:  The Stated Assemblies shall be held on the Third Friday of each month at 6:00 p.m.


Section 2:  Special Assemblies may be called by the Master, or in his absence or inability to serve, by the Deputy Master, or in the absence of both, then by the Principal Conductor of the Work, at such times as they, or either of them having the right to act, may think important, or to the interest of the craft.


Section 3:  Notice of Special Assemblies shall be communicated to all resident members by card, letter telephone or public notice, and no business shall be transacted at such Assemblies other than specified in the call or legally authorized to be acted upon at a Special Assembly.


Article III

Officers of the Council


The officers of this Council shall be those specified in the Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas for subordinate Councils, and none other.


Article IV

Elective and Appointed Officers


Section 1:  The Master, Deputy Master, Principal Conductor of the Work, Treasurer and Recorder shall be elected by the Council, all other officers shall be appointed by the Master.


Section 2:  In the Election of Officers, should only one name be placed in nomination, the vote may be by acclamation; but in case more than one be place in nomination for any office, the vote shall be by written ballot, which shall be counted at the desk of the Recorder; and the number of votes received by each companion shall be reported to the presiding officer, who shall declare the companion receiving the majority of all the votes cast duly elected.


Section 3:  In the event no companion has such a majority, the ballot will be repeated until such result is attained.  Blank ballots cast shall not be considered in determining the number of ballots cast.


Article V

Duties of Officers


Section 1 – Master:  It shall be the duty of the Master to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas; to see that the By-Laws of this Council are duly observed, and that the officers attend strictly to their duties.


Section 2 – Treasurer:  In addition to the duties prescribed by the Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep in a safe and secure place all deeds, certificates of stock, notes, bonds, or other securities or moneys belonging to this Council, account for the same from time to time, and deliver same to his successor in office; to collect and receive all moneys from the hands of the Recorder, passing his receipt for the same; and to pay them out upon the order of the Master and the consent of the Council.  Expenditures for charitable purposes, may be made as provided by the Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas.


Section 3 – Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements and make a full report of the financial affairs of the Council at the stated assembly next succeeding the 24th day of June each year, and oftener if required by the Council or the Master.


He shall submit his books and accounts for audit when requested, and give a bond for such an amount prescribed by the Council, if the Council requires it.


Section 4 – Treasurer:  For his services he shall receive an amount as voted by the Council from time to time and be exempt form the payment of dues.


Section 5 – Recorder:  In addition to the duties prescribed by the Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas, it shall be the duty of the Recorder:

(A).            To observe carefully all the proceedings of the Council; to make a correct record of all transactions of an official nature; to collect and receive all moneys due the Council, and promptly pay them over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same.

(B).            To keep securely all books and papers relating to the proceedings of the Council.

(C).            To authenticate all official papers and documents emanating from the Council with the seal of the same.

(D).            To issue all summonses, notices, and demits as he may be directed.

(E).             To make out and transmit to the Grand Recorder the Annual Returns of the Council within the time required by the Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas; also to remit to him all dues and fees, as prescribed by law.

(F).             To read aloud before the Council all official communications received and note same in the minutes.

(G).            To submit his books and accounts for audit when requested by the Council, Master or auditing committee.

(H).            To give a bond in such amount as may be prescribed, if required by this Council.


Section 6 – Recorder:  For his services he shall receive an amount as voted by the Council from time to time and be exempt from the payment of dues.


Section 7 – Sentinel:  It shall be the duty of the Sentinel to see that the Council room is kept clean and in order; that the various articles of furniture are in their appropriate places; that all members and visitors sign the register before entering the Council room; to strictly guard the door during the Assemblies; to summons the members to meetings when requested by the Master or Recorder, and to be punctual in attendance upon all stated and special Assemblies of the Council.


Section 8 – Sentinel:  For the performance of the foregoing, and all other duties assigned to him, the Sentinel shall receive an amount as voted by the Council from time to time and be exempt from the payment of dues.


Article VI

Standing Committees


Section 1:  The Master, Deputy Master and Principal Conductor of the Work shall constitute a standing committee on Charity, a majority of whom may at all times act.  Their duties shall be as follows:

(A).            Charity: It is their duty to examine all claimants for assistance and, if necessary, they may draw upon the Treasurer, in each instance, for an amount as set by vote of the Council from time to time, reporting the facts in each case to the Council at its next stated assembly.


Section 2:  The Master shall appoint the following committees, whose duties shall be as follows:

(A).            Sickness: It shall be their duty to visit all sick companions (unless it would be dangerous or imprudent to do so), and ascertain their condition and necessities; and to report such recommendations to the Council or to the Master as they may deem proper and necessary, in regard to both the companions and his family.

(B).            Finance: It shall be the duty of the Master at the first stated assembly after the 24th of June each year, to appoint a standing committee on finance to be composed of three discreet competent companions.  It shall be the duty of this committee, as soon as appointed, to examine carefully and verify the reports, books, and vouchers of the Recorder and Treasurer, and any other financial matters referred to them; and make a full and accurate report not later than 90 days thereafter.  Should any inaccuracies be found, they shall recommend the necessary steps for correction.  In the matter of ordinary accounts referred to them, they may report instater.  The report of said committee on finance shall be read in open Council and spread upon the minutes, noting the action taken by the Council.

(C).            Special Committees:  It shall be the duty of any special committee appointed by the Master to diligently carry out the duties assigned to it and report promptly to the Master its findings, recommendations, or actions.


Article VII

Fees and Dues


Section 1 – Fees:  The fees for the degrees of Royal and Select Masters in this Council  shall be an amount not less than that prescribed in Article 274 of the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas and as set by this Council from time to time, which must be paid in advance.


Section 2 – Dues:

(A).            Each member of the Council shall, unless exempted, pay dues at the rate as set by the Council from time to time, however, in all cases not less than the amount as prescribed in Article 276 of the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas, which must be paid to the Recorder on or before the stated assembly of June of the current Fiscal year.

(B).            Each Thrice Illustrious Master, of this Council, at the end of his term of office, shall automatically become a life member of this Council, and be exempt from the payment of dues.

(C).            Dues to be paid by those initiated or affiliated shall be paid pro-rata from the time of such initiation or affiliation for the un-expired time of the current year.


Section 3 – Endowed Memberships:  Any member of this Council may purchase an endowed membership in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas.


Section 4 – Demits:    A member requesting a demit must pay dues to the time his application is filed with the Recorder, and before issuance of the same.


Article VIII



Section 1:  A visitor shall not be admitted except upon due examination or lawful avouchment.


Section 2:  In the event that the visiting companion is a stranger or sojourner and hails from a Council in another Grand Jurisdiction, it shall be the duty of the Recorder to notify the Council of which the visitor is a member that we have had the pleasure of a visit by one of its members, giving the name and date.


Article IX

Order of Business


Section 1:  After the Council is opened in due form on the Select Master’s Degree, all business matters shall have precedence in the following order, unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the members present.

(A).            Reading the minutes of all Assemblies not previously read and approved.

(B).            Receiving and referring of petitions.

(C).            Reports of special committees.

(D).            Reports of standing committees.

(E).             Balloting on petitions.

(F).             Unfinished business.

(G).            Motions, resolutions, and new business.

(H).            Claims and accounts.


Article X

Rules of Business


The rules of conducting the business of this Council shall be as nearly as possible the same as those prescribed for the Grand Council and subordinate Councils in the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas, and in addition the following:


Section 1:        When a question is decided, the same matter shall not again be acted on during that meeting, unless on motion to reconsider, which can only be made by a member voting in the majority, and at that or the next stated assembly, when there must be an equal or greater number of members present than when the action was had.


Section 2:        All questions of order shall be decided by the Master without appeal or debate; but the Master may ask the advise of any member before deciding; and he has the right at any time to declare the Council closed or called off for the purpose of stopping angry debate or confusion.


Section 3:        Any companion may appeal from the decision of the Master, to the Grand Master during the recess of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas, but such appeal shall not suspend the decision of the Master pending such an appeal.


Article XI

Amendment of By-Laws


Section 1:        No amendment of these By-Laws, either by alteration or addition, shall be made, unless in the following manner.


Section 2:        The proposed amendment must be in writing, signed by the proposer, and presented and read at a stated assembly of this Council, at which time it may be discussed and amended, if necessary.


Section 3:        At the next stated assembly of this Council it shall again be considered and voted upon without further amendment; and if approved by two-thirds of the votes of the members present, it shall become a part of these By-Laws, upon compliance with the other provisions of this Article.


Section 4:        All amendments of these By-Laws must be submitted to the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas for its approval before they take effect, except the following:

(A).            Amendments changing the time of holding stated Assemblies.  All such changes shall be promptly reported to the Grand Recorder.

(B).            Amendments relating to dues and fees, provided dues and fees are not less than the minimum prescribed by the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas.

(C).            Amendments exempting members from dues.


Article XII

Certification of By-Laws


This is to certify that Park Place Council No. 373, R.&S.M., located at Houston, Texas, has on this the ______ day of __________, A.D. ______, adopted the above By-Laws; and the same have been approved by the Most Illustrious Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas on this the ______ day of __________, A.D. _____.



